That Creepy Red Pen | A Poem2 min read

(Disclaimer– This poem is a creation of a 14-year-old’s childish mind, and hence it might contain lots of things that do not make perfect sense).


18th July 2015.

It was raining cats and dogs that day and unfortunately, my mother had run out of ink to check answer sheets when the submission deadline was just a few days away.

I made up my mind to go to a nearby shop to buy her a red pen. I was her only hope left, after all. I looked up for an umbrella in order to go out in the downpour but I couldn’t find any. So, I made a makeshift cover from plastic to put it over my head and headed for the shop.

“The Crepy Red Pen” is my try at humorously portraying my journey in search of a pen that had made me walk a thousand miles.

“Oh! that creepy red pen made me go a thousand miles!
Down there in the stormy rain I was dazed, I couldn’t smile,
Grr! Grr! Grr! The thunder roars,
Where I would get that creep I wasn’t sure,
Without a second thought, I went for an untimely expenditure,
I so regret not having a spare of that creature,
Oh! That creepy red pen made me go with a plastic on my head,
I was all drenched, no better it could provide a shed,
Even on that rainy day, the sun was shining in my hand,
With the future of pupils, and the time running like sand,
The red blotches on paper made some happy while some sad,
However, now that creepy red pen was giving me a heart attack,
Oh! That creepy red pen made me go out in the darkest and scariest of nights,
Alone and frightened, I thought that I should hide,
Hither and thither and everywhere I couldn’t glance a shop,
I went far away, and hop and hop and hop,
Without that creep, the pupils future wouldn't ever shine,
After an hour of travel, I finally got that creep, what luck of mine,
But oh! that creepy red pen made me go a thousand miles!”

P.S. I bought myself one spare umbrella the next time I went shopping (it was much needed, indeed).


Do you have any such humorous encounters, poems, or stories to tell? If yes then drop em’ down in the comment section below! I’d love to hear your experiences, no matter how creepy! 😉

Much Love,

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